
If your query is an academic one related to your research, your first port of call is your supervisor, who will be able to help and advise you.  You can also speak with the Doctoral College Department Lead.  It’s also worth looking on the Doctoral Student Hub on Moodle, which you can find via MyMMU, where you will find all sorts of useful resources which might answer your query.   
If your query relates to a non-academic matter, you can contact Doctoral Services, who will be happy to help.  You can phone them on 0161 247 5329 (between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday) or email via .  We aim to respond within a day for urgent email queries and within a week for non-urgent email queries.

Doctoral Services also offers bookable advice slots in the Business School Student Hub for students, as well as Teams-based 1:1 advice sessions.  All of these can be booked via Moodle.