
If you are a foundation (level 3) or undergraduate student (level 4, 5 and 6), you can only resit if you have failed the year.


If you are a postgraduate student (level 7), where you have failed a module, you will be able to resit every failed assessment.

You will only be entitled to one resit opportunity unless you have an accepted evidenced extension.


If you have failed one element of assessment, but have passed the module overall, you will not be entitled to resit the failed module, unless your programme stipulates that you must pass every assessment. An assessment could be an exam, presentation, essay, or any other kind of way that you are assessed within that module. Some module have multiple assessment - for example, an online quiz and a written report - and all will contribute to your overall grade for that module).

Please see the Assessment Regulations for more information.
If you feel you have been disadvantaged by circumstances beyond your control and would like to know your options, please view our Assessments webpage.